ChildServe nurses love helping children with special healthcare needs live a great life! What’s it like to be a nurse at ChildServe? See for yourself:

6:00 a.m.

Bright and early in the morning, you’ll find nursing Team Leads like Kathy Needham getting prepared for another fun-filled day at ChildServe. Kathy keeps everyone on the same page. Between school, therapy schedules, doctor’s appointments, visits from family and friends, and fun activities going on at ChildServe, there is a lot to keep track of! Along with providing medical care and supervision to make sure each child is healthy and happy, Kathy also loves spending quality time with the kids we care for.

“I love my job because what I do matters every day,” says Kathy. “The kids we serve are not papers that can be shuffled around. They must be loved and nurtured. The smallest thing can be a big thing to a child. Small things like reading books, playing a game, telling jokes, going for a walk, swinging: these are the moments that make a great life.”

8:00 a.m.

When the school bus arrives, Nurse Liasons like Rachel Hillebo are ready to help a child take on the day. Before leaving, Rachel makes sure that the child she accompanies to school is prepared with all she needs for the day, including a backpack, and any feeding supplies or medication. At school Rachel provides one-on-one nursing care and helps with the child’s school work, before getting settled back in at ChildServe and relaxing or playing games after school.

“My favorite part of the day is getting to watch Naz interact with her peers,” says Rachel. “She has such a good relationship with her classmates and I think her presence at school is so positive. Watching her play with her friends or work on school work with them is a joy.”

12:00 p.m.

Throughout the day at ChildServe, you might find nurses like Sara Himelson assessing children, administering medications and feedings, communicating with families, and working with other nurses and therapists to help each child live a great life.

“Down time is rare in nursing, but that’s the time that I can stop for a few minutes and observe the kids,” says Sara. “I enjoy watching our therapy teams work with kids and see how they’re progressing. I love seeing kids light up during pool therapy, pet therapy or music therapy, and seeing how each child responds. I love when I have 10 minutes to just sit and snuggle one of the kids. Down time is precious to me.”

4:00 p.m.

From group music therapy, trips to the zoo, aquatic and recreational therapy, craft time or taking kids to dance class, LPNs like Amy Starbuck are always finding creative ways to help kids have “great life” moments.

“My favorite part of the day is when someone asks me to play with a child who is needing some one-to-one attention,” says Amy. “I love to help the child smile or relax, and I am really good in the snuggle department. Becoming a nurse is the best decision I have ever made. I am so fortunate to say, “I am a nurse at ChildServe.”

6:00 p.m.

As the night time nursing team begins their shift, they get an update from the daytime team about everything that happened that day. Nurses like Kelly Anderson stay busy throughout the evening and night by feeding and providing medicine; charting, talking with family members, and ensuring each child is healthy, happy, and comfortable. They also help pack and prepare supplies for the next day to keep everything running smoothly.

“One of my favorite parts of the day is right when I get to work and the kids are all awake. They are usually enjoying pet therapy, music, or watching a movie together,” says Kelly.

3:00 a.m.

“I also love when it’s about 3 am,” says Kelly. “If one of the kids wakes up, I get to spend the 1-on-1 time holding and rocking them, or just talking to them to calm them down to get back to sleep. Each child has an amazing personality, and they make me feel like my job is important.”


ChildServe improves the health and well-being of nearly 5,800 children each year through specialized clinical, home, and community-based programs and services. We serve children with developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.

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