Forward together Blog
Bike Camp

Bike Camp

ChildServe’s bike camp gives kids, teens and young adults of all abilities the opportunity to grip the handlebars, feel the wind in their hair and ride alongside their friends and families… often for the very first time!

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16 Ways to Help the Caregiver of a Child with Special Needs

16 Ways to Help the Caregiver of a Child with Special Needs

Whether parents have just received a new diagnosis for their child, or their child is recovering after a traumatic accident or major surgery, emotions and stress can run high, and these day-to-day mental and physical battles do not stop after the first year.
Everyone could use help, and even the smallest gift of time or support can go a long way. Check out the 16 ways ChildServe’s Family Advisory Council suggests to help a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs.

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Woodland Field Day 2023 Recap

Woodland Field Day 2023 Recap

ChildServe – Woodland hosted its second annual field day and it was a big success! Team members, families, volunteers, kids and teens turned out for an afternoon of fun. The event was packed with activities including ambulance tours, an ice cream truck and ponies.

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7 Ways to Support Siblings of Children with Special Healthcare Needs

7 Ways to Support Siblings of Children with Special Healthcare Needs

Siblings of a child with special healthcare needs are often the longest-lasting relationships in this child’s life and many will become their sibling’s caregiver at some point. Starting from a very young age, they have many of the same concerns that their parents have about their sibling. So, how can caregivers support the siblings of their child with special healthcare needs?

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Spanish Speaking Support Group Makes an Impact

Spanish Speaking Support Group Makes an Impact

Thanks to a Community Transformation Grant from Amerigroup, ChildServe launched Conscious Caregiving: a Spanish Speaking Family Support Group. See how the group helps families like Dolores, Daniela and Carolina live a great life.

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How to Make Your Event Sensory-Friendly

How to Make Your Event Sensory-Friendly

Looking for tips to make your event welcoming for individuals with autism or sensory processing disorders? Whether you’re a parent, a classroom teacher, or an event coordinator, ChildServe’s team has helpful tips to consider as you look to make your event or space more inclusive.

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What is OT?

What is OT?

What is OT? by Rachel Jensen, ChildServe Occupational TherapistHas your child been recommended or scheduled for an occupational therapy evaluation? Occupational therapy (OT) is a service area that works toward increasing an individual’s independence with daily tasks....

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Tips for Helping Your Child with Autism Trick-Or-Treat

Tips for Helping Your Child with Autism Trick-Or-Treat For kids with autism, trick-or-treating can be overwhelming without the right support and preparation. ChildServe ABA Clinical Manager Sam Cermak is sharing her tips to help parents raising a child with autism...

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ChildServe’s Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit

ChildServe’s Pediatric Rehabilitation Unit

ChildServe’s new pediatric rehabilitation unit is the only freestanding, comprehensive pediatric inpatient rehabilitation program for children and young adults in the state of Iowa. The 14-bed unit features a six-bed nursery and eight private rooms. Check out this inside look at the new unit and it’s unique features!

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ChildServe improves the health and well-being of nearly 5,800 children each year through specialized clinical, home, and community-based programs and services. We serve children with developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.

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