ChildServe‘s Bike Camp Gives Kids of All Abilities the Opportunity to Ride

Going for a bike ride as a whole family is a dream come true for many who have attended ChildServe’s annual Bike Camp. Bike Camp gives kids, teens and young adults of all abilities the opportunity to grip the handlebars, feel the wind in their hair and ride alongside their friends and families… often for the very first time!

At this inclusive, week-long intensive day camp, children with special healthcare needs learn to pedal at their own pace while staying safe and having fun.

Bike Camp started in 2013 with 15 participants. Each June, the program serves kids and young adults with the help of several ChildServe physical therapists, trained volunteers and our generous partners at World of Bikes. Many of the volunteers involved in Bike Camp are University of Iowa students studying to become physical therapists, recreational therapists and child life specialists. 

“We include kids with a variety of abilities and needs and inspire them to learn to ride in the most independent and safe way possible,” said ChildServe Rehab Manager and Pediatric Physical Therapist Rachel Kongshaug. “Kids move through skills quickly with daily practice and with motivation and a high level of engagement from their peers.”

ChildServe therapists help kids find their own unique ways to ride through a series of fun activities. Kids learn all about bike safety while steering around pre-set obstacles and working on balancing without training wheels.

“Our intensive model often jump-starts progress to the point where families can carry over the skills learned at home,” said Rachel. “Many caregivers are thrilled to see their children increase their abilities within their skill set like riding with more independence on an adaptive bike or riding without training wheels for the first time. They’re also amazed at how much fun their children have, how hard they work and how engaged they are with all the other kids.”

Thanks to incredible community supporters, Bike Camp is made possible for kids and families each year. Parents of children with special healthcare needs often miss out on that feeling of watching their kid take off down the street on a bike for the first time. ChildServe’s team is grateful to give this experience back to so many families and to help kids of all abilities live a great life!  


ChildServe improves the health and well-being of nearly 5,800 children each year through specialized clinical, home, and community-based programs and services. We serve children with developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.

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