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Thank You for Your Support!

Thanks to donors like you, ChildServe can continue to expand our programs to help more kids like Maverick live a great life – regardless of the challenges they face. Thank you for your generosity!
Watch Maverick’s video and read his full story below.

Watch Maverick’s video and read his full story below.

Finding Strength in Hope 

Finding Strength in Hope 

Maverick’s Story 

Maverick’s Story 


At 3 years old, Maverick has fought and won more battles than many of us will face in a lifetime. 


At 3 years old, Maverick has fought and won more battles than many of us will face in a lifetime. 

 “Despite undergoing surgery at birth due to life-threatening fluid on his kidneys and facing lengthy hospital stays fighting pneumonia, Maverick has continued to be the sweetest boy,” said Whitney, Maverick’s mom. “He was also diagnosed with a rare recessive condition called ‘Selenon Myopathy (SEPN1),’ that affects everything from his circulation and breathing to his core and neck strength.”

Last year, Maverick had limited verbal communication and struggled with balance, coordination and strength. While he could walk, he could not get up off the ground by himself. His ChildServe team created a customized care plan to help Maverick’s development take flight.

In physical therapy, Maverick gained core and neck strength with help from Physical Therapist Ansley DeVrieze.

“Today, Maverick can catch himself if he trips or falls and can get up off the ground with just a small amount of support. This is huge because it is safer for him, and it allows him to participate in typical activities that kids his age enjoy,” said Ansley. “Maverick also participates in our hippotherapy program where we integrate horseback riding into his physical therapy goals. Last fall, he wore a cervical brace while he was on the horse because he didn’t have enough head and trunk strength to keep his head up. This year, he participated in hippotherapy without his brace because he has gotten so much stronger!”

Maverick’s communication has also improved greatly in the last year.

“One year ago, Maverick’s communication was limited to him pointing and saying, ‘what’s that?’” said Speech-Language Pathologist Payton Proud. “Over the course of the year, we transitioned from working on early language concepts, to using a dedicated speech-generating device, to working on specific speech sounds now that he primarily communicates verbally! A kid who said less than 10 words a year ago won’t stop talking now that he’s figured out he can!”

Maverick keeps Occupational Therapist Terra Phelps on her toes week-to-week as he gains new skills to improve his hand strength.

“Maverick has been a complete rockstar in occupational therapy lately,” Terra said. “When we first started scissor skills, Maverick had a hard time even making a snip due to poor hand strength. After finding a pair of loop scissors to trial, we began to see snipping. Now he is beginning to cut on a straight line. A huge credit goes to his parents who always follow through with home recommendations and programming. It makes a world of difference. I look forward to every session with Maverick.”

“Maverick started 3-year-old preschool this year, and I don’t think he could have without his team at ChildServe,” said Whitney. “Maverick is so resilient and works hard all the time at everything we ask him to do. We put a lot of faith in ChildServe over the last two years. They have supported us through every high and low with Maverick’s complicated medical history and continue to push him to get stronger. ChildServe gives us hope that Maverick can continue to overcome the challenges life has thrown at him.”


ChildServe improves the health and well-being of nearly 5,800 children each year through specialized clinical, home, and community-based programs and services. We serve children with developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.

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