Rachel’s Story

Rachel is a spirited 21-year-old whose smile can light up a room. Sheila, a case manager at ChildServe, has partnered with Rachel and her family for 12 years. Rachel was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at birth and required services and special support. Sheila has been able to watch Rachel grow and change throughout the years. As a case manager, Sheila helps children and families realize their goals and needs to ensure a better quality of life. She is always on the lookout for new ways she can help families. She says finding free resources that families may not know about can be very useful to them. “When you can give parents a resource that turns out to be helpful, it’s very rewarding,” Sheila says. “I also try to help people look into the future. Looking into the future helps us know what we should be working on today.” Jim, Rachel’s dad, has seen the benefit of having a case manager like Sheila firsthand. “Just when you think there is no solution to a barrier, she finds one,” Jim says. “Sheila challenges us to help Rachel reach her potential and be as independent as she can be.” Sheila enjoys seeing the relationships between children and parents develop. She sees how Rachel’s family keeps a sense of humor. “It’s important work, but we also laugh a lot,” Sheila says. This kind of positivity reminds Sheila of why she loves what she does. She gets energized when she finds new ways to help families. “Without the assistance Sheila has provided Rachel, we would not have the services and supports Rachel needs to remain living at home,” Jim says. “We think Rachel has a great life and Sheila gets a lot of the credit for making that happen.”


ChildServe improves the health and well-being of nearly 5,800 children each year through specialized clinical, home, and community-based programs and services. We serve children with developmental delays, disabilities, injuries, and other special healthcare needs.

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