Variety Makes an Impact

Variety Makes an Impact

Thanks to the generous support of Variety – the Children’s Charity of Iowa, families have access to ChildServe’s life-changing behavioral health services.

Zena’s Story

Zena’s Story

Though Zena’s “one-of-a-kind” diagnosis came with uncertainty, her unique, fighting spirit continues to drive her forward to a new kind of uncertainty- one without limits. With lots of hard work in speech, occupational and physical therapy, Zena is building the life of her dreams with help from her ChildServe team.

Bubble Ball 2023

Bubble Ball 2023

ChildServe made history by raising a record-breaking $1.19 million at the 13th annual Bubble Ball. Not only was this a first for ChildServe, the event set the record for donations made during a fundraising gala event in the Des Moines metro.

Shane’s Story

Shane’s Story

When 18-year-old Shane was in a motorcycle accident, he experienced severe injuries to his brain and spinal cord. With support from his ChildServe team, and a variety of specialty equipment and technology, he fought hard to regain the strength to walk and talk.